G’rilla by Twilo

Grilla Framework

G'rilla is the fast, secure mobile-first framework developed by Twilo Creative.

As an agency specialising in ‘bespoke’ it’s important that we understand each and every element of the code we work with.

Mobile-Friendly Websites

Our websites are built on our very own front-end framework; G’rilla. G’rilla is fast, flexible and modular. It allows us to scale your website inline with your content while displaying perfectly cross-device, from mobile to wide-display screens.

Structured Markup

G’rilla is a flex-based framework which makes writing responsive code quick and easy for an experienced front-end developer. Using flex solves the number of issues caused by floats which was the previous method of organising layouts. Flex allows more control over the positioning of elements throughout the page.

Sassy CSS

G’rilla uses the SCSS preprocessor scripting language (formerly SASS) to write nested CSS3 stylesheets which form the creative appearance of a website. With the use of mixins and variables, G’rilla becomes a modular framework with minimal duplicate code. In some cases this can result in a stylesheet half of the size of a typical ‘vanilla’ stylesheet resulting in faster loading times.


The G’rilla framework has a similar approach to JavaScript, outputting a single, compact, lightweight file to reduce the number of calls to a server which would typically be the case with a website that has a lot of functionality and modules/plugins.

The Result

Speed is very important in a website, pages must load quickly to avoid lost visitors. Twilo’s strict demand for tidy, modular code means G’rilla delivers a feature-packed, lightweight framework which loads quickly cross-device, giving your visitors a quality user experience.